Bible Comments & Gleanings


The following articles are available in PDF. Click on a title, and a new tab on your browser will open to the URL and the download should begin automatically. WARNING: Some may be a little controversial.  


If I Believe, Will My Household be Saved?

An alternative view on Acts 16:31

Samuel Summoned from the Dead

The witch truly summoned Samuel and not an evil spirit for King Saul. 

Paul’s Emphasis

Powerful written words and living them too.

Law of the Nazerite

What exactly was the law of the Nazerite?

Ephraim Gleanings

Looking at Ephraim as a metaphor in scripture for individuals.
(If the shoe fits, wear it) 

Gleanings from Job

What power and authority did Satan have with regards to Job’s trial?

End of the Commandment

A very brief look at 1 Timothy 1:5.

Covenental Injustice Brings Judgment

2 Samuel 21:1-14 

2 Kinds of Wisdom (A Character Test for Teachers)

James 3:1, 13-18